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May 30, 2009


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I never never ever would've thought to put that zebra stripe with those fabrics!! Look how cute that is! And that valance is simply amazing. Fancy piping and everything, no wonder it took so long. I thought I would saving money making the kids shower curtain a few years back and it ended up costing over 60 bucks. Crazy.


What pattern is that? It looks like the one I am getting ready to do for our kitchen. I just need to buy some contrasting material. Any hints on making it?


Yikes...I'm not getting any comments sent to my email and I had no idea that these were here.

Jona...I think I'll stick to skirts and tote bags for a while. :) Quick and cheap!

Kathi, it is pattern McCall's 0609. Hints...I found that the marks that were supposed to line up the panel seams didn't line them up and I had to go through individually and make sure the bottoms of each panel was lined up perfectly. That was the trickiest part. Other than that, it's a fairly straight forward pattern. Good luck with yours!

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